Art Direction — Graphic Designer for Interactive Web, Print, and Motion Graphics
Art Direction

Designing corporate websites, IR sites, micro-sites, and mobile apps with an emphasis on responsive design across all platforms including branding, graphics for digital with user interface (UI) and user experience (UX). In print emphasizing in new business, brochures, direct mail and outdoor.


Computer Software Includes:

Sketch, XD, Principal, Photoshop,
Illustrator, InDesign, After Effects,
Premiere, Final Cut Pro, Avid,
Microsoft Word, PowerPoint.


UX Software Includes:

Sketch, XD, Balsamiq, and Axure for wireframing and UX story flow. Coding: Basic knowledge of HTML, CSS, and Javascript.


Motion Graphics

Innovative motion graphic designs for Website Intros, Video Animations, Client Presentations, New Business, Corporate Reels, Interactive ePanels, and Banner Ads.

Social Marketing

Concept and create social-optimized extensions of brand marketing campaigns to drive engagement across all social channels while ensuring partnership consistency and collaboration with client branding.

High End Retouching

High-End Retouching specializing in Beauty, Fashion and Photo Composition for Print and Digital.